
#REUSEOLUTION shows the history of fashion and its growth over time, analysing brands like Zara and H&M.

The project focuses on the impact of the frequency of fashion production and how it has affected the world over time.

The Story

#REUSEOLUTION was a individual assignment that I created during my first year at the University of Sydney.

For this project, I researched on the history and future of fast fashion and the harm that comes with it.

After the research, four publication materials were made to raise awareness of the impact of fast fashion.

Visual Design, User Research

Individual Project
September 2020 - November 2020
Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator

The Problem

The company I have chosen is "Good on You", Good on You is a platform that makes sustainable clothing easy to access and purchase, giving consumers the knowledge of the clothes they buy.

For this assignment, I was required to research on the history of fashion, creating a story and producing a timeline of how fashion have evolved overtime; focusing on both the positives and negatives.

The Timeline

For my visual timeline, I have created "Is the Solution to Fast Fashion in the Past?", I have chosen this title to direct readers to how fashion was produced decades ago but also sending a message to encourage the purchase of vintage clothing.

Since the focus of the visual timeline is exploring the history of fashion, encouraging consumers to look back, I have designed my visual timeline with pixels and an old windows PC theme. With this design, I hoped to give a retro feel to the overall design.

The Solution

From the visual timeline above, I created a "Call to Action" visuals that prompts readers to be educated on clothes waste around the world and providing a potential solution, shopping vintage, to help save the enviroment.

The Concept

The movement that I want to represent is #REUSEOLUTION, it is a movement made in early 2020 where Matisse Walkden-Brown enourages people to only wearing and buying recycle and upcycled fashion.

For my first tile, I will be putting in the statement,

“Your fashion can save the world & it doesn’t have to cost a ton!”.

This setence, without explaining the context of it, would make the audience curious about what the content of the other tiles are and trigger them to swipe to see the other tiles.

The second tile will show and state the different impact that fast fashion and fashion waste has on the world and in Australia, informing users how big the waste is, why fast fashion is bad and the amount of clothes that an average Australian purchases.

Third tile will then talk about the benefits of vintage fashion, the price point and goodwill that comes out of buying from co-op stores, supporting local and the environment.

Lastly, the fourth tile is to challenge the audience to make a pledge and join the #reuseoluion movement after beinginformed with all the statistics shown in tile 2 and 3.

Relationship with “Good on You”

Under my “Good on You” research, Good on You stated that one of the best way to tackle fast fashion and fashion waste is through recycling. This would reduce the amount of purchases made by customers and the impact could reduce the amount of clothes produced.

Thus, I have chosen to create a call to action to encourage people to join the #REUSEOLUTION movement, top stopbuying from fast fashion companies and start to buy recycled clothes.

The movement has also been support by Good on You and they have written 2 articles about the movement.

Target Audience & Platform

The audience that I will be targeting are youths. Youths are the most concious and have the most impact on current fashion and trends. This can be seen 2017 where there was a huge rise in “streetwear” fashion which was mainly led by Gen Z.

In Australia, there is almost 10 million Instagram users which accounts for almost 40% of the population. Furthermore, almost 70% of Instagram users are aged 18-29 and they are the most active users in the platform.

Fashion definitely has its place on social media. Online fashion and fashion influencers has been impacting the world. These influencers could be as young as 16 years old and have a following of 700,000 and are being sponsored by luxurius fashion brands.

Design Choices

Generally, the concept I applied was to apply textile materials within all of my design to emphasise the amount of textile the world use both good and bad, the textile is emphasised in the design by the black outlines.

Another theme I made within all four tiles is one long background that is cropped into four squares. As my tiles tells a story, I wanted to input continuity between each tiles.

The first tile is focused on the Earth being covered in denim and while also having a tag on it. This is to emphasise the amount of textile waste we have and how the Earth is “covered” in textile. Furthermore, the price tag is to represent the cost of fashion.

In the second tile, the textile use represents the bad in fashion waste and also emphasises the amount of waste there is in the world. The windows tiles has been made to replicate texture similar to flannels and the truck that holds the bag of textiles shows that there is an overflow of waste.

The font is styled in a very old school “industrial” style to match the industry theme of the tile.

The third tile has a Gen Z theme and trends put into it. This is to incorporate the feel of familiarity into the audience. The rack of clothes is to represent a “my wardrobe”, a video that is often made and uploaded on Youtube by fashion influencers. Furthermore, the font used is also in the style of these Youtube videos where all of the letters are inlowercase and an overuse in punctuation marks.

For the second and third tile, I wanted to create a better flow for the audience. Thus, I have tried to connect both design by applying the design on the left side of the second tile and applying the design on the right side of the third tile; creating no walls or bound between the second and third design, connecting them through text.

Lastly, the fourth tile simply shows a person standing and making a pledge. This person’s face has been blanked out to connect with the audience, sending the message that anyone can join the movement.